

The Friends' newsletter is sent to all members and is normally published quarterly but not always.  All available newsletters since the very first one in 1990 are posted below as PDF files for download.

newsletter cover

Past Issues - Click on year to find the issue you are interested in

2004 October

2004 July

2004 April

2004 January

2003 October - missing

2003 July - missing

2003 April - missing

2003 January

2002 September

2002 July

2002 April

2002 January - missing

2001 September

2001 July

2001 April

2001 January

2000 October - missing

2000 June

2000 April - missing

2000 January - missing

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummied text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummied text of the printing and typesetting industry.